Django Sitemap
July 08, 2010
In setting up this blog I came up with the problem of setting up a sitemap. I did not want to use a django flatpage because I already a template and use for them, not to mention the amount of work that it would take to maintain. A quick search on Google turned up that django already has some sitemap functionality built right into the contrib! Awesome! Here is the code that was used.
First I created a new app to hold the logic for my site maps: site\_sitemap
. The
looks like this:
from django.contrib.sitemaps import Sitemap
from django.db import models
from articles.models import *
sitemaps = {
'articles' : GenericSitemap({
'queryset': Article.objects.filter(status__name__exact='Finished'),
'date_field': 'publish_date'},
changefreq = 'weekly', priority = 0.4)
Then in the
I put this:
from site_sitemap.models import sitemaps
{'sitemaps': sitemaps},
And that was about it.