Luke Ryan Jernejcic

Luke Ryan Jernejcic

Written by Luke Ryan Jernejcic who lives and works in Austin Texas building useful things. Follow him on Twitter


January 21, 2020

Luke Ryan Jernejcic is a Software Engineer and entrepreneur in Austin, Texas.


March 06, 2015

I thought that it would be useful to have a page that you could always use as a resource for the products and services that I use. This page…

Goals for 2015

February 01, 2015

Flexibility is a crucial skill to have when making long term plans. Things never work out exactly as you would like. Last year, instead of…

I'm Back!

November 04, 2014

Hello World! Again… Well it has been several months since my last post. I left with the intention to put more of my focus into my new…

Putting Things Aside To Focus

June 28, 2014

Balance. As a solopreneur, finding balance between work, side projects, family, chores, reading, etc… Finding balance can feel like a job by…

In Wilderness I Sense

June 20, 2014

“In wilderness I sense the miracle of life, and behind it our scientific accomplishments fade to trivia.” — Charles Lindbergh If you work…

iOS 8 Takeaways From Apples WWDC Keynote

June 03, 2014

Like Christmas, it comes once a year. It is a joyful day for every iOS and OS X developer. I am talking about Apple’s keynote at it’s annual…

Lead Like A River

May 27, 2014

“The reason why rivers and seas receive the homage of a hundred mountain streams is that they keep below them. “Thus they are able to reign…

7 Apps For Better Health

May 20, 2014

Healthcare is a field who’s use of technology lags far behind that of most other industries. Yet it is one that has some of the greatest…

Harvest vs. FreshBooks

May 06, 2014

There are three things that a solopreneur needs to do: tracking time spent on projects, invoicing clients, and tracking expenses. There are…

I Am Luke And I Ship

April 29, 2014

Start. Ship. Hustle. Release. Push. One does not have to invest much time in our startup and socialized culture to hear these words. It isn…


April 28, 2014

——— DISCONTINUED ——— Dashboard was created with the commuter in mind. A commuter does not generally need direction, but knowing what…

Resources I Use

April 22, 2014

I thought that it would be useful to have a page that you could always use as a resource for the products and services that I use. This page…

Chime Squirrel Video: An Introduction

April 15, 2014

Back in 2012, I was seeing a chiropractor for some back problems and was put on a stretching routine. There were plenty of exercise apps…

A Guide To Chime Squirrel

April 01, 2014

Chime Squirrel is an iOS app for iPhone and iPad. It’s purpose to present a quick and intuitive interface for creating recurring “alarms…

Support, Feedback, and Feature Request

April 01, 2014

It is my intention to make stable apps that are useful to people. If you run into a problem, I would appreciate a quick email from you. Just…

5 Things I Learned In March

March 28, 2014

It is my personal belief that we should never stop learning. As a result I consume a fairly large amount of information. Being a software…